Andrew Gallinaro is a partner in the firm’s Philadelphia office. Andy brings over seventeen years of experience in complex commercial litigation to his current practice focus on litigating restrictive covenant and trade secrets cases, defending colleges and universities in Title IX disputes, and representing employers generally in labor and employment law matters.
In his restrictive covenants practice, Andy has represented clients throughout the country in state and federal courts, as well as in arbitration matters. His cases frequently have involved applications for temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions, as well as expedited discovery involving computer forensics and rapid paced e-discovery.
Relatedly, Andy has advised on and litigated law firm break-ups, as well as internal disputes among law firm partners. His experience includes law firm valuation and partnership compensation disputes, and he has advised lawyers and firms on the contractual, legal, ethical and professional conduct issues related to the movement of lawyers from one firm to another. Andy also has significant experience defending law firms in malpractice cases. Andy is a former Secretary of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Professional Responsibility Committee.
In addition to his work in the higher education and law firm spheres, Andy has represented clients in and is familiar with a wide array of other industries, including particularly the medical device field, finance industry, consumer products and insurance.
Prior to joining Fisher Phillips, Andrew spent seventeen years as an associate and then a partner at a highly respected Philadelphia-based litigation boutique firm where, in addition to commercial litigation, he was active in plaintiff-side Title IX work, providing Andy with a particularly valuable perspective now defending colleges and universities in such cases. He also worked with the firm’s niche practice as part of a team that represented federal equity receivers appointed in SEC, FTC and U.S. Attorney initiated enforcement actions to identify and recover assets for the benefit of victims of consumer and financial fraud. After law school, he clerked for one year with the Hon. Denis P. Cohen of the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas.