Risk Management, Legal and HR Best Practices for Non-Profits
10:00 AM — 11:30 AM PST
Join Fisher Phillips Regional Managing Partner Todd Scherwin as he presents a California Mid-Year Legal Update in this Bolton Webinar Series program, “Risk Management, Legal and HR Best Practices for Non-Profits” including two of their executives speaking on “Leadership Strategies for Transforming Employees into Fans” and “Employment Practices Liability Insurance-Risk Management.”
Todd Scherwin, Regional Managing Partner, Fisher Phillips
Clark Souers, CEO & Founder, EXPERT EFFECT
Jeannie DeLaura, Executive Vice President, Bolton
Guillermo Gonzalez, Vice President, Bolton
This webinar is being submitted for 1 hour of HRCI & SHRM credit.
Submit your questions to the speaker prior to this event and hear them addressed during the webinar. Please send them to jdelaura@boltonco.com.
This webinar is hosted by Bolton & Company.
Related People
- Todd B. Scherwin
- Regional Managing Partner