Nurses Need to Know California Union Facts
Some Houstonians who have been reading about the unionization at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center by the California Nurses Association (CNA) may have thought this would give nurses more of a voice in running the institution and, therefore, lead to better care for patients. In fact, this is not so and, even if unionization could improve the delivery of health care, the CNA, in particular, is not a union that could effect a change for the better - for anyone. Before nurses at Park Plaza, Northwest Medical Center or any other hospital in Houston are forced to decide whether or not they want the California Nurses Union to represent them, they should be given the opportunity to hear all sides of the story and make up their own minds as to whether CNA representation will make the lives of nurses and patients better or worse.
This article appeared in the November 21-27 issue of the Houston Business Journal.
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