Irvine Attorneys Review NLRB’s Apogee Decision
In their byline article for the Daily Journal titled “New NLRB confidentiality ruling is a good start, but not enough,” Irvine Regional Managing Partner James J. McDonald, Jr. and Associate Alix Rozolis examine the NLRB’s recent Apogee Retail decision and its impact on confidentiality in workplace investigations. The Apogee decision better defined when employers may require employees to maintain confidentiality.
Jim and Alix explain that under the new Apogee standard, employers may now require employees involved in workplace investigations, including the accuser and accused, to maintain confidentiality while the investigation is ongoing. However, Jim and Alix indicate that the NLRB can and should go father to allow employers to require investigations remain confidential after its conclusion.
To read the full article, visit the Daily Journal.