The Post-Van Buren Workplace and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Part II
In this episode, Brent Cossrow and Dave Walton continue to unpack the Van Buren v. United States Supreme Court ruling and the new “gates up or down” era of data protection it has unleashed. Part II focuses on even more recent cases that have discussed the Court’s decision in Van Buren, which is less than 60-days old. The ruling in Van Buren stands to impact millions of Americans and their rights with respect to personal devices, employer-owned devices and the data both contain. As litigation progresses around the country, expect to see more rulings to lean on the Van Buren decision. And keep listening to better understand how, as employers, you should interpret and respond to the changing landscape of data protection.
Click here to listen to the first installment of this episode: The Post-Van Buren Workplace and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Part I
Related People
- Brent A. Cossrow
- Regional Managing Partner