Your Practice Could Be At Risk Without A Legally Compliant Employee Handbook
David Lichtenberg and Amanda Caldwell created an article entitled “Your Practice Could Be At Risk Without A Legally Compliant Employee Handbook,” for
Physicians take great care, and significant effort, to build their practices. Many practices, however, are exposed to potential liability and financial disaster concerning employment law issues, they wrote.
There are easy steps that practices can take to avoid this exposure and yet many do not.
Workplace rules: Put them in writing
Workplaces have rules, and employees are expected to abide by them. If those rules are unwritten, any employee discipline is subject to challenge, and the burden will be on the employer to prove the rule was, in fact, clearly articulated and consistently applied.
Click here to read David and Amanda’s full article.
Related People
- David B. Lichtenberg
- Regional Managing Partner