What Executives Must Know About Safety and OSHA, and “The Care and Feeding of Safety Professionals.”
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
No major MBA program includes meaningful workplace safety and health instruction in their curriculums, and yet safety-related issues can cause headaches for executives and damage company value. Look at the UAW’s effective use of safety complaints to give Tesla’s Freemont assembly plant a black eye with the public and creditors. In some industries, a single OSHA serious citation or a company’s injury and illness rate can complicate bidding or throw a wrench into a prospective purchaser’s due diligence. Top management must be involved in safety compliance or as in any crucial business area, the right things won’t happen. Moreover, a savvy executive can attack the artificial separation between the safety function and production. Properly used safety can contribute to efficiency, quality, a union free culture, and sustainability/social awareness goals. And no executive ever wants to attend a funeral for an employee.
This practical webinar will provide a birds-eye view of the safety requirements and legal issues and discuss effective ways to improve safety efforts and motivate personnel.
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For questions please contact Tori Spencer at tspencer@fisherphillips.com
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