Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigation and Adjudication Institute
The National Center for Campus Public Safety
Washington, DC
June 12 - 16, 2017
In the Not Alone report, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault charged the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) to develop a training program on trauma-informed sexual assault investigation and adjudication that includes Title IX training for campus officials. To meet this mandate, we worked with nationally-recognized subject matter experts in the fields of sexual and gender-based violence investigations, Title IX, the Clery Act, victim's advocacy, student conduct, and psychology to develop and deliver this groundbreaking curriculum.
After rigorous pilot programming and fine-tuning, our first annual DC Institute in Washington, DC in July 2016, and a series of successful regional Institutes during the 2016-17 academic year, the NCCPS is pleased to announce our second annual DC Institute The NCCPS Institute curriculum includes modules on 15 topics from institutional obligations to self-care. Learn more about these topics in the module synopses.
Purpose and Objectives:
To provide college and university administrators involved in investigating and adjudicating sexual misconduct cases information and resources necessary to conduct trauma-informed investigations in line with evolving practices. Our Institute objectives include:
- Train administrators how to conduct fair and balanced Title IX investigation and adjudication processes for all parties;
- Explain the intricacies and crossovers of Title IX, the Clery Act, criminal investigations, and institutional obligations;
- Identify the effects of trauma and how trauma impacts victims and others involved in investigations; and
- Identify and apply industry evolving practices to conduct a trauma-informed investigation from disclosure and first response to adjudication.
Intended Audience:
The NCCPS Institute curriculum design allows for individuals and teams to learn together and is intended for campus officials involved in the investigation and adjudication processes at institutions of higher education, in addition to campus partners.
While not specifically designed to meet the needs of criminal investigators, we encourage colleges and universities to send a representative from their law enforcement or campus safety agency.