Title IX Doesn't Stop at Women's Athletics
Scott Schneider was quoted on WTVM on November 2, 2015. The article “Title IX Doesn't Stop at Women's Athletics” discussed how as celebrated a milestone as Title IX has been, it is only recently that the full measure of the law has been discussed, and largely because of high-profile incidents on America's campuses. When Title IX went into effect in 1972, its purpose was to create a learning environment that rooted out discrimination - not just for women and not just on the playing field.
Scott commented on the rise of sexual assault crimes on college campuses.
Scott stated that he expects reports of such incidents to keep rising. That's not because the problem is growing. The number of people willing to keep quiet is shrinking.
"What's happened over the last three or four years, for a variety of reasons, is a lot of those barriers, a lot of those reasons why young women didn't feel comfortable coming forward before have gone away," he said. "There are a lot of universities going out and saying, 'If this is happening to you, let us know,' and they are."
To read the full article, please visit WTVM.
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