The Well Run School: Advanced Legal Program for School Leaders – Atlanta, GA – June 2011
Presented by School Office Services and Fisher Phillips
The Well Run School
This one-day workshop helped you improve your skills as an independent school administrator. The Well Run School addresses the most important legal and management issues faced by school administrators: student/adult boundaries, hiring, social networking ethics, confronting poor performance, employee law checklist for 2011, and creating high performing teams. This program was appropriate for school heads, senior administration, business officers and faculty interested in school administration.
Suzanne Bogdan, attorney at Fisher Phillips is well known nationally for her experience in independent school employment law. Suzanne has presented to numerous groups throughout Florida and the Southeast.
Bill Rollings, president of School Office Services, provides HR support to 400 independent schools across the country. Both Suzanne and Bill have trained school administrators together across the Southeast for the past five years.
Who would benefit from this program?
- School Heads
- Business Officers
- Division and Department Heads
- Faculty & Staff Interested in Administration
1. Student/Adult Boundaries (Fisher Phillips)
Schools encourage closer relationships between students and faculty which can lead to higher academic achievement and more positive perceptions of the institution for students. But be careful. Learn how to maintain proper boundaries, clear up confusion about roles between teacher and student and avoid costly litigation.
2. Your Management Style and A High Performing Team (School Office Services)
As school administrator, you strive to develop a high performing team. But one big barrier may be your management style. Learn about six management styles and how your preferred managerial style may be keeping you from achieving your team goals.
3. Social Networking and Online Ethics (Fisher Phillips)
The use of internet by students, faculty and staff at your school is skyrocketing. There are good business reasons to embrace the use of social networking as long as the school understands the myriad risks as well. Learn how the school can use the Internet for appropriate and advantageous purposes while avoiding liability. Learn the guidelines for creating an ethical and sensible policy for your entire community: faculty, staff, student, parents and alumni to help you embrace 21st century technology.
4. Confronting Poor Performance and Bad Attitudes (School Office Services)
How do you deal with the problem faculty or staff member in your department or division? Too often, schools administrators shy away from confronting "bad attitudes" or poor performance. Learn how to use a positive progressive-discipline to change bad attitudes and improve poor performance.
5. Employment Law Checklist 2011 (Fisher Phillips)
What are the legal issues that land independent schools in court in 2011? Our attorneys will give you a primer of some old and some new legal challenges facing independent schools in 2011.
6. The Good Hire (School Office Services)
Schools spend significant time and resources in selecting the most appropriate students. Yet when it comes to hiring faculty and staff - the most important school resource - they don't devote equal energy as student selection. Learn how to implement a powerful method for finding the best faculty.
7. Mistakes To Avoid as an Administrator (Fisher Phillips and School Office Services)
Learn to avoid the worst mistakes of school administrators. This session is interactive and program participants will be able to give us examples, in advance of the class, of their worst mistakes. This amusing but real-life discussion will prove to be very valuable to all participants.
Seminar Date and Location:
- June 13 – Woodward Academy, 1662 Rugby Ave., College Park, GA 30337
Program: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (lunch included)
Cost: Member Price: $250 (MISBO/GISA)
Nonmember Price: $295