The Pragmatic Lawyer's View of Building a Safety Culture
Howard Mavity’s article “The Pragmatic Lawyer’s View of Building a Safety Culture” was featured on Safety Outlook on August 5, 2014.
A practical focus on preventing injuries will not guarantee that you’ve crossed all the “t’s” and dotted the “i’s” to comply with OSHA standards. One has to expressly focus efforts on both complying and building a safety culture. The only way to have a decent shot at achieving both of these goals is to build a “culture” in which employees and management automatically and continuously stop, consider the hazards, then address them. We can’t force this mindset. Management has to visibly embrace it and then convince employees that they are as serious about maintaining a safety culture as they are about other business goals.
In the article, Howard provides a blueprint on how to build a safety culture. Howard advises employers to market safety, use persuasive data, and have an action plan.
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- Howard A. Mavity
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