The Ever-increasing Need for Sound Proprietary Information Agreements And Related Policies, In This Rapidly Changing Business World
It is an understatement to say the realm of communication has changed with social media. It seems like overnight social media has revolutionized not only the way we communicate with each other, but also the way we transport information. While many companies have utilized social media to generate business by employing new marketing schemes, companies must also be wary of the negative effects social media could have on its business. Without a doubt, social media has become the latest avenue by which a company's proprietary information can be compromised.
One of the greatest risks facing companies today is the ability of its own employees and third parties to access and obtain confidentiality information. As with any company, the protection of proprietary information, including trade secrets, can make the difference between a profit and loss and overall success or failure of the business.
Lonnie provides tips for employers to protect their company's proprietary information in this article. Read the entire article on