"Sober Truth" – A Preventive-Maintenance Program for Church Business Administrators – Germantown, TN - March 30
Many churches, religious institutions, and non-profits have been sued in recent years as a result of abuse or sexual molestation of minors by leaders, employees, and volunteers. Unfortunately, many leaders of these organizations continue to ignore this problem and resist implementing a preventive-maintenance program. A single incident of abuse or molestation can devastate a church or school. Parents often become enraged, the viability of the youth and children's programs are jeopardized, and sometimes leaders are considered responsible for allowing the incident to happen. Far more tragic, however, is the emotional trauma to the victims, not to mention the enormous potential liability the organization faces.
Leaders of churches, religious institutions, and non-profits can take relatively simple, effective steps to reduce the risk of such an incident occurring. Jeff Weintraub, managing partner of Fisher Phillips Memphis office, formerly The Weintraub Firm, P.C., will present a seminar on the seriousness of the risk and how these organizations can implement a preventive-maintenance program that will reduce the chances of an incident in the future.
Sponsored by The National Association of Church Business Administration.
Seminar Date and Location:
- March 30 - Germantown United Methodist Church, 2331 South Germantown Rd., Germantown, TN
Registration & Continental Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Program: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $20 for non-MidSouth Chapter members, $10 for additional attendees from same location
$10 for non-MidSouth Chapter members who join via dues and membership form
$5 (at door) for MidSouth Chapter members (breakfast fee only)
To register or for more information contact Linda Terrell at (901) 754-5100 or