Signals That Your Most Valued Employees Are Not Just Poachable, But Interested In Being Poached
Hotels consistently struggle with the inability to discipline and terminate poor performers due to legal and/or business considerations. Concerns over potential litigation, costs surrounding searching for and training a new employee and the unknown of how a future employee may acclimate into the work environment hinder a hotel's operations and adversely affect its employee relations by keeping employees who decrease production and negatively impact employee morale. These concerns were managed in good economic times as hotels were able to incur employee transition costs and have larger administrative staffs that could properly document and discipline poorly performing employees. More challenging economic times and a more litigious society, however, have caused these types of concerns to expand exponentially over the past five years.
Lonnie Giamela's article "Signals That Your Most Valued Employees Are Not Just Poachable, But Interested In Being Poached" provides tips for employers to identify if their valuable employees are poachable and ways to prevent their employees from being poached. Read the entire article on