San Diego Attorney Breaks Down Human Trafficking Training Requirements for California Hotels
In her bylined piece for Hotel Executive titled “New Human Trafficking Training Requirement for California Hotels and Motels That Anyone Can Implement,” San Diego Associate Megan Walker examines the new California human trafficking training requirements for the state’s hotel and lodging industry. The new law requires hotel and motel employers in California to provide 20 minutes of human trafficking awareness training to all employees who may interact with or encounter victims. Employers must give the training by Jan. 1, 2020, to each new employee within six months of their employment, and then every two years thereafter.
Megan touches on the issue of human trafficking activity in hotels before diving into some key indicators of trafficking. She encourages employers to schedule the required training to ensure employees are empowered with the necessary tools to eliminate human trafficking from their properties.
To read the full article, please visit Hotel Executive.
Related People
- Megan E. Walker
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