Lawyer Sheds Light on Dallas’ Temporarily Enjoined Paid Sick Leave Ordinance
A federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas temporarily enjoined the Dallas Paid Sick Leave ordinance just days before it was scheduled to go into effect. In a bylined article for Law360, Dana Chang Dikas explained the situation and provided guidance to employers as the situation surrounding Dallas’ paid sick leave law remains uncertain.
Dana also explained how the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) plays into the situation since it entitles employees to full or partial paid sick leave up to a daily and total cap if certain eligibility requirements are met. In the end, she notes “…if employers are currently providing paid sick leave to Dallas employees pursuant to a company policy, they may be required to provide an additional 80 hours of paid sick leave under the FFCRA.”
To read the article, visit Law360 (subscription required).