Law360 Talks to Houston Regional Managing Partner About Impact of Texas Weather Crisis on Employers
In an interview with Law360, Steve Roppolo discusses the impact the Texas weather crisis has had on employers across the state while offering up some tips for how these employers can best weather the storm. Steve “cautioned that employers must be alert and ready to accommodate the mental health needs of their workers, both during and after a crisis such as this.” When dealing with mental health, he encourages patience and stresses the importance of the interactive, good-faith conversation between employee and employer to try to land on an accommodation that works for everyone as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Steve also talks about the need for employers to be creative when dealing with the unique situations that will arise during an unexpected weather crisis. He notes that, in many cases, employers will need to be flexible and make case-by-case evaluations of what they can do to make sure employees can be as productive as they can be.
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- Stephen J. Roppolo
- Partner