High Stakes for Mistakes: The Dangers of Misclassifying Independent Contractors
12:00 PM — 1:00 PM PST
As more people are embracing the gig economy and it is becoming more difficult to hire great talent, misclassification of independent contractors remains a hot topic and a significant risk for employers. Join Fisher Phillips attorneys, Roddy Dryjanski of the Woodland Hills office and Ben Taylor of the Los Angeles office, for this one-hour webinar where they will discuss the key issues, best practices, and the most important dos and don'ts when considering classifying individuals as independent contractors. They will also discuss:
- How to detemine whether to classify workers as contractors or employees
- How to approach misclassification issues
This webinar will be submitted for 1 hour of HRCI/SHRM credit.
For questions, please contact Marisa Nguyen.
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