Get Ready for Seattle’s Secured Scheduling Law
9 AM - 10 AM PST
On July 1, 2017, all retail and food service establishments with 500 or more employees worldwide, full-service restaurants with more than 500 employees and 40 establishments worldwide, and franchises associated with a franchisor or network of franchises that employ more than 500 employees in aggregate must comply with Seattle’s Secured Scheduling Ordinance. Designed to provide employees who physically work at least 50% of the time within Seattle’s limits with both a “livable wage” and a “livable schedule,” Seattle’s new law creates traps for the unprepared employer.
This complimentary 60 minute webinar will review the law’s key rules, such as employees’ right to request schedule preferences and the employers’ due to engage in an interactive process with employees to discuss such requests, predictability pay requirements and exceptions, and record keeping rules.
Cost: Free
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- Catharine Morisset
- Partner