Balancing the Equation: Solutions for Supporting Female Employees During the Pandemic and Beyond
Fisher Phillips Inside Counsel Conference
The burdens of the pandemic have unquestionably impacted everyone’s work lives. But women, particularly working mothers and women of color, have experienced some of the most impactful adversities. The “shecession” has resulted in a mass exodus of women in the workforce with the number of women in the workplace dropping to levels not seen since 1988. This panel will discuss practical strategies for employers to support female employees during the pandemic and beyond; planning for a post-pandemic world in relation to gender and minority equity, including pay equity and diversity and inclusion challenges; implementing action plans and programs to curb the economic and societal impact on women; and supporting women returning to the workforce after COVID-19. Attendees will walk away with solutions to implement in their organization to recognize and address unconscious bias, recruit and retain female employees, and nurture a culture in which women have equal opportunity to achieve their potential over the long term.
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