Fisher Phillips Increases Associates' Pay
Part of Increases Tied to Performance; No Effect on Client Rates
ATLANTA, GA (June 11, 2010) - Fisher Phillips has increased its associate pay scale by an average 8%. Clients will not be asked to underwrite the raises, which the firm's owners will absorb.
Half of the increase is contingent upon performance associates who meet specific productivity and efficiency standards over a full year will be eligible for a meets-standards bonus. Associates have already realized half of the increase in the form of an increase in salaries, effective June 1.
Chairman and Managing Partner Roger Quillen said: "All of our associates have benefited from this move in the form of increased salaries, but there is more available to them. We believe a material part of everyone's compensation should depend upon meeting basic performance standards. And we aren't just talking about working and logging billable time. We measure and reward efficiency, too. This is what aligns our associates' compensation with our clients' interests."
Quillen added: "These increases are meant to say to all of our associates, "We recognize and appreciate the important part you play in our clients' satisfaction and our firm's overall success."
Fisher Phillips associates who meet standards are also eligible for substantial merit bonuses for superlative performance.
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