Equal Pay For Equal Work: Washington Updates Equal Pay Act For The First Time In Over 70 Years
1201 3rd Ave
Conference room #2 on 4th floor
Seattle, WA 98101
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
With heightened attention on gender-based workplace discrimination and pay equity, Washington’s Legislature has updated and expanded the state’s Equal Pay Act, effective June 7, 2018. The expanded Equal Pay Act should prompt Washington employers to review existing policies and practices related to compensation, advancement opportunities, and wage disclosure.
Join Fisher Phillips attorney Thomas Vogliano on May 15 for breakfast to learn best practices for compliance and proactive measures to mitigate against potential claims allowed by the new law. Read more about this update here.
Registration at 8:30 a.m.
Presentation from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Cost: $15
**This program is approved for HRCI and SHRM credits.