Employee Handbooks: A Mid-Year Update on Handbook Policies and Drafting Mistakes to Avoid
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Attorney Michelli Rivera will be presenting at this years BLR event on the topic of "Mid-Year Updates for Employee Handbooks." This 75 minute session will reach a national audience of HR professionals and will include any updates that might apply for mid-year 2017.
Join us on June 27 for a succinct review of recent developments impacting employee handbook policy updates nationwide and legal insights into employee handbook policy drafting and policy enforcement mistakes to avoid.
Plus, you’ll learn how to:
- Craft an employee handbook that covers the policies they want
- Review the current employee handbook carefully critical eye to determine how it needs to be updated and for when
- Examples of employee handbook policy updates that may be necessary given recent developments related to:
- non-smoking policies
- guns and weapons on your premises
- social media, recording, and communications policies
- dress codes and grooming
- fair compensation
- confidentiality and non-disclosure of wages
- paid leave benefits—e.g., how state and municipal laws requiring paid sick leave impact handbook policy development generally for multistate employers
- background checks