Avoid Internet Burn: Think First
Michael Abcarian, managing partner of the Dallas office, was quoted in the June 24 Dallas Business Journal article "Avoid Internet Burn: Think First." The article noted that employers and employees can learn valuable lessons from how former Representative Anthony Weiner used his Twitter account. Mike said: "The lessons learned continue to be the same ones. If you put a lot of personal, controversial or sensitive information out on the Internet, there's a lot of people in the audience you may not think are in the audience, and when they view it, they may use it to your detriment." Mike pointed out that employers should be developing social media policies. "I would tell employers to make sure, if you haven't addressed this issue, within the past year, it's not only a good time to do it, it's an imperative time to do it," said Mike. "There's an explosion in social media, and that explosion isn't over. If you let yourself get too far behind the curve, that explosion may burn you."
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Related People
- Michael V. Abcarian
- Senior Counsel