As The Clocks Turn Back This Weekend, Don't Forget FLSA Rules
In the article, "As The Clocks Turn Back This Weekend, Don't Forget FLSA Rules," featured in HR Dive, Of Counsel Caroline Brown discusses the unanticipated challenges that Daylight Saving Time may cause employers.
In states requiring that employees take breaks at a certain point in their shifts, workers may not automatically get that time, says Brown. “For that day, back off of relying on the time keeping computer so much,” Brown suggests, and figure out the time manually.
Whether timekeeping is manual or automatic, grab a pen and paper if necessary, and figure out the actual hours for that day, Brown says; “Give that payroll a glance to make sure everything lines up.” The same goes when spring rolls around: an employee working 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. when we turn the clocks forward must be paid for only seven hours of work.
To read the full article, please visit HR Dive.
Related People
- Caroline J. Brown
- Of Counsel