ADA 'Drive-by' Lawsuits are Targeting Restaurants
Steve Miller and Scott Fanning’s article “ADA 'Drive-by' Lawsuits are Targeting Restaurants,” was featured in Restaurant Hospitality on November 24, 2015.
More and more plaintiffs’ attorneys are targeting restaurants, bars and retail establishments in urban areas for “drive-by" lawsuits under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Despite its commendable purposes, the ADA has been increasingly abused by individuals, organizations and plaintiffs’ attorneys for monetary gain. Chicago, New York, L.A. and other metropolitan areas have developed into hotbeds for these cases. It is not unusual for a single plaintiff in these areas to file 200 to 300 lawsuits alone in a relatively short period. Fortunately, with an understanding of the anatomy of Title III cases, businesses can take proactive measures to deter and defeat these drive-by claims.
In the article, Steve and Scott discuss how despite its commendable purposes, the ADA has been increasingly abused for profit by individuals, organizations and plaintiffs’ attorneys.
To read the full article, please visit Restaurant Hospitality.
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- Scott Fanning
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